Faith of Our Fathers | Restoring Our Faith Summit 2022

The Biblical influence on the country’s founding will be explored. What is the role of clergy and faith leaders in preserving the truths on which America was founded and restoring the Judeo -Christian faith that has provided our guiding principles?

Setting the Record Straight | Restoring Our Faith Summit 2022

Throughout the Covid pandemic, Americans were receiving mixed messages from government institutions, from healthcare experts, from virologists and scientists. Mask mandates and vaccine mandates were the tip of the spear. What was going on behind the scenes at the Centers for Disease Control, at the White House, in the media and at hospitals and why were those who raised concerns about the policies shut out of the discussion?

Faithful or Fearful | Restoring Our Faith Summit 2022

Recent studies show Americans are living with increased anxiety and concern about the future. The pandemic exacerbated this trend as churches and synagogues were shut down with little resistance from the clergy. Suicide rates continue to rise as religious belief declines. Is there a correlation and are faith leaders failing in their role to save souls?

Essentials of Human Flourishing | Restoring Our Faith Summit 2022

Truths that were self-evident a generation ago now cause arguments and political debates in the public square. The nature of marriage as a union between a husband and wife, the importance of our embodiment as male or female, and the free exercise of religion are just a few of the lost concepts. What is truth? Will a society collapse without a concept of absolutes or natural law? What makes for a healthy society and what are the essentials needed for human beings to flourish?

Restoring Confidence in Science, Faith and Family | Restoring Our Faith Summit 2022

Our lack of faith in God, in trusted institutions and in science has led to a societal upheaval and allowed radical ideologies to flourish. How has redefining marriage, fatherless families, third party reproduction and transgenderism disrupted healthy human bonds and what is the price we are paying?

Dennis Prager Keynote Speech | Restoring Our Faith Summit 2022

Dennis Prager, PhD is a nationally syndicated radio host, founder of PragerU, bestselling author of nine books, and a theologian. An expert on communism and the Middle East, Prager’s graduate work at the Russian and Middle East Institutes of the Columbia University School of International Affairs. He taught Russian and Jewish history at Brooklyn College.

Action Plan: Practical Solutions for Restoring Our Faith | Restoring Our Faith Summit 2022

Without a vision, the people perish according to scripture. What is our vision and how do we transform our communities, our churches, and our country with the tools we have?

Summit 2022 Speakers

The Restoring Our Faith Summit brought together prominent leaders of the Judeo-Christian faith community to reignite our hearts and remind us of the truth of our heritage. We discussed the impact of cultural breakdowns amidst the global pandemic of the past two years and addressed the critical role of natural marriage and family and the importance of protecting children in a flourishing society.

Dennis Prager

First, he is a nationally syndicated talk show host – heard across the country on nearly 400 affiliates, in addition to,, and the websites of his many radio stations. His show also has listeners around the world via the internet. Second, he is the founder of Prager University (PragerU) – the most viewed …

speaker, speaker global, speaker2022

Dr. Ryan Anderson, PhD

Ryan T. Anderson, Ph.D., is the President of the Ethics and Public Policy Center, and the Founding Editor o Public Discourse, the online journal of the Witherspoon Institute of Princeton, New Jersey. He is the author or co-author of five books, including the forthcoming Tearing Us Apart: How Abortion Harms Everything and Solves Nothing. Previous …

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Dr. Robin Armstrong

Dr. Robin Armstrong has always worked to be a servant leader throughout his life. He has been married to Martha Armstrong for 24 years and has four sons, Daniel, Gabriel, Joshua, and Noah. Robin returned home after college and attended medical school and completed residency at University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston. Robin is …

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Dr. Jay Bhattacharya

Jay Bhattacharya is a Professor of Health Policy at Stanford University and a research associate at the National Bureau of Economics Research. He directs Stanford’s Center for Demography and Economics of Health and Aging. Dr. Bhattacharya’s research focuses on the health and well-being of vulnerable populations, with a particular emphasis on the role of government …

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Dr. Miriam Grossman

Miriam Grossman, MD is a medical doctor with training in pediatrics and child, adolescent, and adult psychiatry. Dr. Grossman has been exposing the dangers and falsehoods of the sexuality and gender industry since 2006. She is the author of Unprotected and You’re Teaching My Child WHAT? Dr. Grossman can be followed on her website, Facebook, …

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Dr. Aaron Kheriaty

Aaron Kheriaty is currently Chief of Psychiatry & Ethics at Doc1 Health and Chief of Medical Ethics at The Unity Project. He is a Fellow and Director of the Program in Bioethics and American Democracy at the Ethics and Public Policy Center, and a Senior Fellow and Director of the Health and Human Flourishing Program …

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Dr. Jay Richards, PhD

Jay W. Richards, Ph.D., is director of the DeVos Center for Life, Religion, and Family and the William E. Simon Senior Research Fellow at The Heritage Foundation. He is also a Senior Fellow at the Discovery Institute. He is author or editor of more than a dozen books, including two New York Times bestsellers. He …

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Roger Severino

Roger Severino is vice president of domestic policy and The Joseph C. and Elizabeth A. Anderlik Fellow at The Heritage Foundation. Severino is a national authority on civil rights, conscience and religious freedom, the administrative state, and information privacy, particularly as applied to health care law and policy. He is a regular contributor to National …

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Dr. Janci Lindsay, PhD

Dr. Janci Lindsay, PhD is the Director of Toxicology and Molecular Biology for Toxicology Support Services, LLC. She holds a doctorate in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from the University of Texas Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences Houston-MD Anderson Cancer Center. She has over 30 years of scientific experience, primarily in the areas of toxicology and …

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Dr. Martin Kulldorff

Martin Kulldorff, PhD, is an epidemiologist and biostatistician. He is Professor of Medicine at Harvard University (on leave), a senior scholar at the Brownstone Institute, and a founding fellow of the Academy of Science and Freedom.  His research focuses on infectious disease outbreaks and the monitoring of vaccine and drug safety. In October 2020, he …

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Rabbi Dr. Ari Lamm, PhD

Rabbi Dr. Ari Lamm is the Chief Executive of Bnai Zion, a nonprofit producing media and entertainment to spread great Jewish ideas and secure the State of Israel. Rabbi Lamm is the host of the top-ranked weekly podcast on the Bible and society, Good Faith Effort. And his popular Twitter threads on “Why Read the …

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Dr. Pat Fagan, PhD

Pat Fagan Ph.D., (sociology and psychology) from Dublin, Ireland, was a grade-school teacher before specializing in child, family, and marital therapy, becoming a teaching consultant at the Jewish General Hospital in Montreal, McGill University Medical School’s teaching hospital for family physicians. After doctoral studies in Washington DC, he switched focus to family issues in public …

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Mary Rice Hasson

Mary Rice Hasson, J.D., is the Kate O’Beirne Fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center in Washington, D.C., where she co-founded the Person and Identity Project, an initiative that equips parents and faith-based institutions with resources to counter gender ideology and promote the truth about the human person. An attorney and policy expert, Mary …

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