YouTube Cancels Restoring Our Faith

We thought you may be interested in learning more about how the cancel culture is affecting us all personally! 

ROF has made the Restoring Our Faith Summit content available online for all to see. Making all the Summit’s panels available on our website requires that we first upload videos into a video hosting service. We chose YouTube. That was a mistake as it turns out.  

It seems that YouTube sees itself as an arbiter of medical and scientific information. In other words, they get to decide what you and I see and whether expert medical professionals who share information, not heard in the mainstream press, should be censored or “cancelled”. 

Before we could even get this video loaded onto our website, the panel “Setting the Record Straight” with Dr. Robin Armstrong, Dr. Aaron Kheriaty, Dr. Janci Lindsay and Roger Severino was blocked and taken down by YouTube!   

We have been told by YouTube that “their panel of experts” considers “Setting the Record Straight” to be medical misinformation. We have been “warned” and may have our channel censored further in the future. 

Never mind that everything that our expert physicians said was true and based on their own experience treating patients or conducting original research of first-hand medical information. Never mind that Roger Severino was a high-level government official from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The cancel culture is real! YouTube has cancelled us. We are now looking for alternatives to YouTube.