The truth about COVID-19 vaccines and government coverups comes to light as individuals continue to probe the federal government for answers. Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) recently exposed federal government data on COVID-19 vaccines and has demanded answers from HHS, FDA, and CDC officials on the safety of the vaccines.
Johnson’s team references a study that found the estimated deaths per million for the COVID-19 vaccine comes in at a shocking 25.5, whereas the estimated deaths per million for the flu vaccine is 0.46.
Please read the full article on Senator Johnson’s actions here: Sen. Johnson to HHS, FDA, CDC: Deaths Per Million Doses of the COVID-19 Vaccines are Significantly Higher than the Flu Vaccine
These findings from Senator Johnson and his team are shocking, but not surprising to those who have been skeptical of the government’s lies surrounding COVID-19 from the beginning of the pandemic in 2020. It seems that fewer and fewer Americans are convinced that the federal government has their best interest in mind when it comes to the truth about vaccines.