PRESS RELEASE: Neighborhood App Discriminates Against Faith Group
One-day October conference refused ad space on Front Porch Forum, a public platform that claims to “help neighbors connect”
South Burlington, VT– Today the Vermont Institute for Human Flourishing (VIHF) roundly criticized the Front Porch Forum (FPF) for refusing to post information about the Restoring our Faith Summit, an event dedicated to engaging with Vermont communities to revitalize the role of religion in daily life. The neighborhood app that receives public funding to run its website claims to be a place for “building community.”
A request to purchase a paid ad for Restoring Our Faith Summit taking place Tuesday, October 10 in South Burlington, was denied by Front Porch Forum on the basis of non-compliance with “the Terms of Use.” All attempts to elicit clarification were met with silence.
“It’s appalling to suggest that notice of a conference on faith is not welcome on a public platform in Vermont,’ said Deb Billado, President of Vermont Institute for Human Flourishing, the sponsoring organization for the Restoring Our Faith Summit. “Freedom of speech is a foundational principle of our country and without explanation our group is shut down and shut out of reaching our fellow Vermonters with an important message.”
With renowned national speakers, authors, social scientists, and faith leaders who will debate and discuss how to restore the country’s lost faith in God, in trusted institutions, and in the founding principles of our country, the Restoring Our Faith summit is hoping to encourage and inspire fellow Vermonters as it did at its 2022 event.
According to SevenDaysVT, Front Page Forum has received public funding including a $361,500 grant from the Vermont Council on Rural Development, “composed of federal disaster relief funds, to set up forums in every community in Vermont” with taxpayer dollars.
Other organizations and individuals have complained about Front Porch Forum’s censorship, causing some to organize a Facebook group that has more than 400 members.
“Restoring Our Faith Vermont envisions a flourishing society rebuilt by a renewed faith, strong families and a search for truth in science and government, where, once more, love, respect and tolerance prevail,” said Mrs. Billado. “How can this be a violation of the FPF’s standard?”