Election Day Cometh

Elections have consequences. For people of faith, one of the questions we must ask is will our freedom to worship, to assemble and to speak on Biblical truths be curtailed or expanded over the next four years? 

For this reason, we again encourage our friends to watch this critically important video of Gary Hamrick, pastor of Cornerstone Chapel in Leesburg, VA on the duty of the people of faith to vote, the Biblical foundations for our decision making and the differences between the two candidates running for president.  It is a must see before Tuesday! 

We also encourage faith leaders to practice their First Amendment rights to instruct their congregations on voting. First Liberty, a non-profit legal organization in Texas, has provided a legal guide on what pastors and churches can do and say including encouraging voting, speaking on issues, and distributing voters guides. Please take a look at this helpful resource: a Pastor’s Guide to Election Weekend.