A Passionate Call to Battle for America’s Faithful 

We would like to share with you a moving speech from best-selling author, speaker and radio host, Eric Metaxas, in which he calls on people of faith to speak out amidst the growing radical ideologies that are growing in our country. Eric discusses his book, “Letter to the American Church” in which he highlights the church in the 1930’s in Germany that stood by while Adolf Hitler pursued the extermination of the Jewish people with few who would speak out against these atrocities. Lutheran minister Dietrich Bonhoeffer was one of the few who warned about this evil. 

In this video, Metaxas points to growing antisemitism, transgenderism, critical race theory and government tyranny. His words are a call to people of faith to no longer stay silent in the face of these radical ideologies and violent movements taking over our country.  

“It’s easy to say, ‘I believe’. If you really believe, you will live it out.” 

Speaking out against the evil in our world takes honest discernment and courage from our faith leaders. The Restoring Our Faith Summit brought our communities together to arm people of faith with courage to stand up against these evils. Eric Metaxas’ “Letter to the American Church” is a courageous wake up call to our faith communities and faith leaders.