
Forgotten Christians in Africa: Why the World No Longer Cares about Human Rights

Since the horrific attacks on Israel on October 7th, the mainstream media has increasingly bought into the narrative of the anti-Semitic protests in the street, focusing attention on the plight of people in Gaza rather than the Hamas terrorists and their evil intent. Meanwhile, there is a forgotten violence taking place in Africa that goes to the same intent. Islamic terrorists are kidnapping and slaughtering African Christians in astounding numbers in places such as Nigeria, Mauritania, Sudan, and Libya. 

Israeli Jews and African Christians find themselves in solidarity against a common enemy while the world’s concern over human rights abuses and Muslim terrorist activities seem to have diminished. 

We commend to you this podcast by Jonathan Tobin of Jewish News Syndicate TV (JNS TV), featuring activists Charles Jacobs and Ben Poser discussing the horrific slaughter of African Christians by Muslim terrorists and the lack of media coverage. Why does the world care more about Gaza and not about the violence taking place in Africa? 

We invite you to watch the full JNS TV interview here. Our Christian brothers and sisters in Africa are desperate for a voice to share their story. 

A Healthy America

President-elect Donald Trump has named Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, one of our 2022 Restoring our Faith Summit speakers, to head the National Institute of Health in his new administration. Dr. Battacharya was one of the authors of the Barrington Declaration in 2020 that countered the misinformation and deception of Dr. Anthony Fauci, and the healthcare industry … Read more

Radical European Elements

Over the weekend, news sources reported that “Muhammad” was the most popular name for baby boys in England and Wales in 2023. The U.K. and other European countries have faced a massive influx of Muslims, some radical Islamists, overwhelming their country and altering their culture the last few decades and we are now seeing the … Read more

How the Bible Transformed American Politics

As we look forward to Thanksgiving and reflect again on the amazing election results, we consider the gift of living in a constitutional republic, where the people elect those in authority who will best represent their values in office. Rabbi Dr. Ari Lamm calls this form of government a “work of political genius” that is … Read more

Voting is a Privilege and a Moral Obligation

This may be the most important election in our lifetime. The contrast between the candidates is very clear. Yet, many people of faith will not vote. A recent study by pollster George Barna found that only 51% of people of faith are likely to vote in the 2024 election. Barna projects that 5 million additional … Read more

Pastor, Spy, Assassin 

This weekend we encourage you to go see a new film “Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Spy Assassin” based on the book by author and faith leader Eric Metaxas on the life of German pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer who resisted Adolf Hitler and the Nazi’s evil scheme to exterminate the Jews and anyone he deemed undesirable.  The new film … Read more

Nineveh Moment

Has God given people of faith a reprieve? That’s how many Americans feel following the reelection of Donald Trump last week.  After four years of attacks on Biblical moral principles and people of faith, many hope for a return to religious liberty and protection for the constitutional principles that made our country strong.  “God heard … Read more

Election Day Cometh

Elections have consequences. For people of faith, one of the questions we must ask is will our freedom to worship, to assemble and to speak on Biblical truths be curtailed or expanded over the next four years?  For this reason, we again encourage our friends to watch this critically important video of Gary Hamrick, pastor … Read more

Michigan Clergy of Color Stand with Israel 

We previously introduced you to an inspiring organization, Center for Urban Renewal and Education (CURE), spearheaded by author and television host, Star Parker. CURE held a conference uniting black evangelical pastors in Michigan to commemorate the anniversary of the October 7, 2023 attacks on Israel and to launch a “Jewish Lives Matter” campaign in the … Read more

Coming Together Over Loved Ones Lost 

We encourage all people of faith to continue to pray for the situation in the Middle East and for the people of Israel. It is important also to reflect on the devastation terrorists have exacted on their victims over the last several decades that has led to the current violence we are witnessing.  In one … Read more

We Need to Vote!

The author of the message below titled, “Out of this World” is Pastor Ed Wheeler. He is the Pastor at the Valley Bible Church of East Middlebury, Vermont. We think his perspective is particularly timely and that attendees of Restoring our Faith Summit will appreciate his courageous stance. Indeed, they might want to ask their … Read more

October 7th Remembrance and Renewal 

On this one-year anniversary of the horrific attacks on Israel by Hamas terrorists, we reflect back on the 2023 Restoring Our Faith Summit that took place only three days after the attacks and brought together Christians and Jews to discuss important issues of the day and the impact of cultural and political assaults on people … Read more

Remembrance and Reflection 

As war in the Middle East seems inevitable with Iran using ballistic missiles to attack Israel, we encourage all people of faith to pray for the horrific situation there and for peace in the region.  The Hamas attacks on Israel started this war almost a year ago, but it is important to understand the truth … Read more

Worldwide Baby Bust

Having been attacked by Oprah Winfrey and numerous celebrities for his comment on “childless cat ladies miserable with their own lives,” the truth behind the impolitic words of Vice-Presidential nominee J.D. Vance has been overlooked. An important new essay by 2023 Restoring Our Faith Summit speaker Mary Eberstadt in First Things explains the devastating social, … Read more

Abraham’s Journey and God’s Promise 

Today we share with you the third episode in Rabbi Ari Lamm and Nate Buzolic’s podcast, Gen 12. In this episode, the hosts discuss God’s promise to Abraham and the challenges that Abraham faces in the book of Genesis. We invite you to listen to the full episode here.  God gives Abraham the responsibility of … Read more

Unleashing God’s Truth, One Verse at a Time 

Bible teacher, evangelical leader and long-time pastor of Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, California, John MacArthur, provided some powerful insights into the current political and moral issues our country now faces. Below, we have taken the liberty, in the interest of brevity, to shorten some paragraphs. Read the entire message here.  “The current Democratic … Read more

Celebrating Constitution Day

On September 17th, 1787, the U.S. Constitution was signed at Philadelphia’s Independence Hall. This Constitution Day, we would like to share with you an article by former ROF speaker, Rabbi Dr. Meir Soloveichik, on the Hebraic history of the Liberty Bell that is the symbol of the freedoms we are blessed to have in America. … Read more

“Give War A Chance”

We remember just days after the October 7 attacks, Rabbi Dr. Meir Soloveichik addressed our assembly at the Restoring Our Faith Summit in Burlington. Today as the war continues in the Middle East, we would like to share with you a beautifully written piece by Rabbi Soloveichik in Commentary Magazine discussing the Israeli-Arab conflict and … Read more

Jeopardy and Genesis

In 2023, contestants on the Jeopardy game show faced a question in which they were to identify the book of the Bible referenced in the line, “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil.” As the buzzer went off, not one of the contestants knew the … Read more

The Worst Violation of Free Speech Rights in US History

If you recall from the beginning of the summer, we shared news on the Supreme Court case, Murthy v. Missouri, in which former ROF speakers, Drs. Aaron Kheriaty and Jay Bhattacharya were plaintiffs against the federal government. In their case, they claimed that the government and social media companies suppressed free speech and censored conservative … Read more

Gen12 Podcast and More by Rabbi Ari Lamm 

We have been so fortunate to be in close contact with Rabbi Ari Lamm since he first attended the Restoring Our Faith Summit in 2022. As a film producer and media creator, Rabbi Lamm has produced faith-inspired podcasts, short films, and social media content to reach a younger and wider audience.  We are excited to … Read more

Netanyahu’s Visit to DC

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu appeared before a joint session of Congress last week. Shamefully, no Vermont member of Congress was in attendance. Neither Senators Bernie Sanders or Peter Welch, nor Representative Becca Balint were in attendance at Netanyahu’s visit. The Vermont delegation could not be bothered to hear what the elected leader of Israel … Read more

The Importance of the Bible in Public Schools

Our public schools have seen a great decline in reading and college readiness levels in recent years. Mark Bauerlein, an English professor at Emory University, is adamant that teaching the Bible in schools will make kids into better rounded students and readers. A handful of red states have proposed reintroducing biblical content into public schools … Read more

Why the Palestinians Hate Israelis

The war between Israel and Palestine has now been ongoing in the Middle East for over nine months. As time passes, it can be easy to forget about the history and root causes of the conflict.  To reflect on the background of the war, we would like to share with you an eye-opening and educational … Read more

elebrities Speak Out in Support of Israel

It can be easy to feel discouraged by all the depressing news stories and atheistic sentiments we hear in the media and our communities. We would like to share one encouraging story of Christians and Jews coming together to discuss their faith and the Bible.  Our friend and former ROF speaker, Rabbi Ari Lamm was … Read more

A Passionate Call to Battle for America’s Faithful 

We would like to share with you a moving speech from best-selling author, speaker and radio host, Eric Metaxas, in which he calls on people of faith to speak out amidst the growing radical ideologies that are growing in our country. Eric discusses his book, “Letter to the American Church” in which he highlights the … Read more

Students Suing UCLA over Campus Protests

Americans have been shocked by the radical antisemitic riots on college campuses since the October 7th attack on Israel. Jew hatred has spewed from the mouths of these protestors as they have championed the actions of Hamas terrorists. Many of these protests have become violent and Jewish students have lived in fear for their lives. … Read more

Celebrities Speak Out in Support of Israel

Amidst all the difficulties we are facing at home and abroad, there is a ray of hope that we recognize. Some in Hollywood, sports and culture have awakened to just how far our country has changed and are speaking out.  We are attaching links to some of their recent comments.  Patricia Heaton, the actress who … Read more

A Lesson on the History of Israel and Hamas 

As we continue to see antisemitic protests on college campuses, it is important to understand how we, as a nation, have dealt with these attitudes in our history. In fact,  even at the founding of the country after the American Revolution there were questions about whether Jewish citizens could participate in the civic activity. For … Read more

Jay Richards Featured on Conservative Podcast 

The Restoring Our Faith Summit has brought numerous influential speakers together in Vermont to discuss important cultural issues, the Biblical influences on America’s founding, and ways we can return to our Judeo-Christian heritage. We are pleased to share the work that our former ROF speakers are doing to reignite traditional cultural values and to rebuild … Read more

A Lesson on the History of Israel and Hamas

The violent pro-Palestine protests and antisemitism continue in our cities and across the world. Young people seem to be some of the most vocal supporters of Hamas and we see this playing out on college campuses. With all the opposing viewpoints on the violence, it can be easy to forget the history behind Israel, Palestine, … Read more

Uniting Over Pizza: Israel’s Culture of Coexistence

Despite the violence we have seen on film and in the media taking place in Israel and Palestine, there is a whole different story to be told by the everyday people living as neighbors in the region. Muslims and Jews coexist peacefully in many parts of Israel, and the violence and discord we hear about … Read more

London is Falling: The Rise of Anti-Semitism in the UK

This Sunday marks six months since the October 7th attacks in Israel by radical Hamas terrorists. Since then, we have witnessed a cultural shift in which radical Islam has become widely supported by activists, governments, and media, and anti-Semitic rhetoric has become mainstream. Cities and universities are hotbeds for such antisemitism. One disturbing example of … Read more

“Confronting Antisemitism”: Rabbi Soloveichik at Grove City College

As rampant antisemitic protests continue on college campuses around the country, the Institute for Faith and Freedom at Grove City College addressed the issue at their annual conference earlier this month titled “Confronting Antisemitism.” This year’s conference featured a multitude of influential speakers, including our good friend and former Restoring Our Faith speaker, Rabbi Dr. … Read more

The Real Meaning Behind “From the River to the Sea” 

As we approach 6 months since the horrific October 7th attacks in Israel, we continue to pray for the families and communities that have been impacted by the violence still taking place in Israel. We have seen endless footage of the barbarous destruction caused by the Hamas terrorist group on innocent Israelis.  Our friend and … Read more

Scientist and Former ROF Speaker Fired from Harvard 

We are now witnessing the effects of the irrational government lockdown policies and cancel culture that emerged from the COVID-19 pandemic. Our churches and synagogues were shut down with irreparable damage done to our faith communities  because of the CDC’s lockdown guidelines.  One of the few scientists who bravely spoke out against lockdowns and vaccine … Read more

Supreme Court Hears Oral Arguments in Free Speech Case

In March of 2024, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments on the case Murthy v. Missouri, which involves our First Amendment right to free speech and the federal government’s impeding that speech.  The case involves Drs. Aaron Kheriaty, Jay Bhattacharya, and Martin Kulldorff who were featured speakers at the 2022 Restoring Our Faith Summit where … Read more

US Senator Exposes Government’s Lies About COVID-19

The truth about COVID-19 vaccines and government coverups comes to light as individuals continue to probe the federal government for answers. Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) recently exposed federal government data on COVID-19 vaccines and has demanded answers from HHS, FDA, and CDC officials on the safety of the vaccines.  Johnson’s team references a study that … Read more

Burlington City Officials Support Anti-Semitic Group 

Despite recent fraud scandals surrounding the Black Lives Matter organization, city officials in Vermont still continue to publicly support the anti-Semitic activist group. The Black Lives Matter flag still flies above the Burlington, VT City Hall. We find this very offensive as BLM openly supports the Hamas terrorist group and violence against Jews.  A few … Read more

Missouri vs. Biden: A brief written by former ROF Speakers to the U.S. Supreme Court 

Former Restoring Our Faith Summit speakers, Drs. Aaron Kheriaty, Jay Bhattacharya, and Martin Kulldorff joined two others as well as the states of Missouri and Louisiana in a case against the federal government for suppression of free speech on social media. Their case argues that the federal government coerced social media companies to silence the … Read more

Published Survey Results

Thank you to our great audience for completing the Restoring Our Faith Summit survey that we sent out a few weeks ago. Your feedback has been truly enlightening, and we have taken your words to heart as we build future events.   We are proud to share the results of our survey with you. This data … Read more

School Choice Week & VT Town Tuitioning

This week we celebrate school choice across the country. We would like to draw attention to the incredible benefits of school choice policies for Vermont communities, families, and individual students.  During the dreary days of the Covid pandemic, parents were awakened to what their children are being taught in public schools. They saw their young … Read more

Israel and Hamas: ROF Speakers Share Their Thoughts

So much has happened since we gathered a month ago for the Restoring Our Faith Summit. How blessed we were to be together in the hours following the worst attack on the Jewish people since the Holocaust. To hear from Rabbi Meir Soloveichik, Rabbi Ari Lamm and other faith leaders and scholars as they discussed … Read more

Professors Spread Hatred and Violence on College Campuses 

In light of all the recent tragedies in Israel, we are committed to sharing news and ways we can have an impact from our communities in the US. I am writing to share three instances of hatred and lies being spread on our American college campuses pertaining to the conflict in Israel and actions you … Read more

ROF Faces Faith-Based Discrimination in Vermont

PRESS RELEASE: Neighborhood App Discriminates Against Faith Group   One-day October conference refused ad space on Front Porch Forum, a public platform that claims to “help neighbors connect”  South Burlington, VT– Today the Vermont Institute for Human Flourishing (VIHF) roundly criticized the Front Porch Forum (FPF) for refusing to post information about the Restoring our Faith … Read more

Don’t Kill Me, Canada

American Thinker published an op-ed by Restoring Our Faith founder Lenore Broughton about the troubling expanded euthanasia policy in Canada that was passed in 2021 at the height of the pandemic and would have gone into effect this week. Just a stone’s throw from Vermont, the policy includes helping people commit suicide who “have enduring … Read more

YouTube Cancellation in the News

Last month, YouTube removed our panel, Setting the Record Straight, from their website citing “medical misinformation.” The panel featured prominent scientists, physicians, and high-level government officials discussing restrictions on religious liberty throughout the COVID-19 lockdowns. We appealed the censorship and asked for more details, our appeal was denied and no further explanation proffered.  Our story … Read more

YouTube Cancels Restoring Our Faith

We thought you may be interested in learning more about how the cancel culture is affecting us all personally!  ROF has made the Restoring Our Faith Summit content available online for all to see. Making all the Summit’s panels available on our website requires that we first upload videos into a video hosting service. We … Read more