Gen12 Podcast and More by Rabbi Ari Lamm 

We have been so fortunate to be in close contact with Rabbi Ari Lamm since he first attended the Restoring Our Faith Summit in 2022. As a film producer and media creator, Rabbi Lamm has produced faith-inspired podcasts, short films, and social media content to reach a younger and wider audience.  We are excited to … Read more

Netanyahu’s Visit to DC

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu appeared before a joint session of Congress last week. Shamefully, no Vermont member of Congress was in attendance. Neither Senators Bernie Sanders or Peter Welch, nor Representative Becca Balint were in attendance at Netanyahu’s visit. The Vermont delegation could not be bothered to hear what the elected leader of Israel … Read more

The Importance of the Bible in Public Schools

Our public schools have seen a great decline in reading and college readiness levels in recent years. Mark Bauerlein, an English professor at Emory University, is adamant that teaching the Bible in schools will make kids into better rounded students and readers. A handful of red states have proposed reintroducing biblical content into public schools … Read more

Why the Palestinians Hate Israelis

The war between Israel and Palestine has now been ongoing in the Middle East for over nine months. As time passes, it can be easy to forget about the history and root causes of the conflict.  To reflect on the background of the war, we would like to share with you an eye-opening and educational … Read more

elebrities Speak Out in Support of Israel

It can be easy to feel discouraged by all the depressing news stories and atheistic sentiments we hear in the media and our communities. We would like to share one encouraging story of Christians and Jews coming together to discuss their faith and the Bible.  Our friend and former ROF speaker, Rabbi Ari Lamm was … Read more

A Passionate Call to Battle for America’s Faithful 

We would like to share with you a moving speech from best-selling author, speaker and radio host, Eric Metaxas, in which he calls on people of faith to speak out amidst the growing radical ideologies that are growing in our country. Eric discusses his book, “Letter to the American Church” in which he highlights the … Read more

Students Suing UCLA over Campus Protests

Americans have been shocked by the radical antisemitic riots on college campuses since the October 7th attack on Israel. Jew hatred has spewed from the mouths of these protestors as they have championed the actions of Hamas terrorists. Many of these protests have become violent and Jewish students have lived in fear for their lives. … Read more

Celebrities Speak Out in Support of Israel

Amidst all the difficulties we are facing at home and abroad, there is a ray of hope that we recognize. Some in Hollywood, sports and culture have awakened to just how far our country has changed and are speaking out.  We are attaching links to some of their recent comments.  Patricia Heaton, the actress who … Read more

A Lesson on the History of Israel and Hamas 

As we continue to see antisemitic protests on college campuses, it is important to understand how we, as a nation, have dealt with these attitudes in our history. In fact,  even at the founding of the country after the American Revolution there were questions about whether Jewish citizens could participate in the civic activity. For … Read more

Jay Richards Featured on Conservative Podcast 

The Restoring Our Faith Summit has brought numerous influential speakers together in Vermont to discuss important cultural issues, the Biblical influences on America’s founding, and ways we can return to our Judeo-Christian heritage. We are pleased to share the work that our former ROF speakers are doing to reignite traditional cultural values and to rebuild … Read more